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एक अजब प्रेमकहाणी:
मुंबईत वावरलेली निशिता एक चांगली लेखिका होती.तिला एक नोवेल(कादंबरी) लिहायची होती पण विषय मिळत नव्हता.कदाचित तो विषय तिला तिच्या मुळ गावात मिळु शकतो या आशेने ति जंगमवाडीला येत होती.तिचे वडील जंगमवाडीचे देशमुख होते.घोडागाडीची चाके गावाकडे हळुहळु सरकत होती.तसतशी गावचं वेगळेपण तिला जाणवत होतं.वीस वर्षाँच्या मोठ्या अंतरानंतर ती गावी येत होती.अचानक एक वेडा कुठुनतरी आला आणि तिच्या हातात असलेली एक प्रसिद्ध कादंबरी हिसकावुन घेऊन गेला.टांगा थांबवुन ती त्या वेड्याचा शोध घेऊ लागली पण,फाटलेले कपडे,वाढलेले केस दिसायला बावळट असणारा असा तो वेडा कुठे गायब झाला ते कळलंच नाही.अचानक तिला कोणीतरी हाक मारली,त्या दिशेने पाहीलं तर एक बाई तिला आवाज देत होती.ती बाई तिच्याजवळ आली.आणि म्हणाली,तुम्ही निशिता ताई ना?
मी रंजना,देशमुख साहेबांच्या इथेकाम करते.तुम्हाला घ्यायला साहेबांनी मला धाडलंय.कुठायत तुमच्या बॅगा,सामान?
टांग्यामध्ये आहेत.
रंजनाने निशिताचं राहण्याचं सगळं सामान घेतलं आणि तिला देशमुख वाड्यावर घेउन गेली.वडीलांसोबतच्या थोड्या वेळच्या गप्पा झाल्यावर निशिताने आपला ईथे येण्याचा हेतु सांगितला.वडीलांनी तिच्या हेतुला सहमती दर्शविली,आणि रंजनाला तिला सोबत राहायला सांगितलं.एक दिवसाच्या विश्रांतीनंतर निशिता रंजनाला घेऊन बाहेर पडली.गावाजवळुन वाहणारी नदी,सुंदर रान,झाडे बघुन निशिता मोहुन गेली.पण अचानक एका जागी येऊन ती थांबली.कारण एका झाडावर बदाम कोरलं होतं.ज्यामध्ये दिपक आणि विणा अशी नावे कोरली होती.निशिताने रंजनाला या गोष्टीबद्दल विचारले.ती म्हणाली,यामागे एक प्रेमकथा आहे.
निशिता म्हणाली,मग सांगना.
ती सांगु लागली,
एक चार पाच वर्षापुर्वीची गोष्ट आहे.ज्यावेळी विणा आणि दिपक एकमेकांवर जीवापाड प्रेम करायचे.ते दोघे याच गावातले.रोज संध्याकाळी ज्यावेळी सुर्य बुडत्याला असायचा त्यावेळी ते एकमेकांना इथे भेटायला यायचे.दिवसभर घडलेल्या चांगल्या वाईट गोष्टी ते सांगायचे.एक दुसर्याचं दुःख वाटुन घ्यायचे आणि सुखही.विणा आणि दिपक यांना आपलं आयुष्य हळुहळु एकमेकांशिवाय अधुरं वाटु लागलं होतं.हळुहळु त्यांच्या प्रेमाची चर्चा गावागावात रंगु लागली.विणाच्या बापापर्यँत बातमी पोहोचली.त्याने तिचं बाहेर येणं जाणं बंद केलं.गाठीभेटी बंद झाल्या.एकमेकांसोबत ते आठवणीतच बोलु लागले.आणि त्यातच भर म्हणजे दिपकचं बारावीपर्यँतचं शिक्षण पुर्ण झालं होतं,पुढच्या शिक्षणासाठी त्याला शहरात जावं लागणार होतं.त्याच्याजवळ एक दिवस होता,त्याने विणाला एका छोट्या मुलीकडुन निरोप धाडला.विणा त्या सायंकाळी बाबाची नजर चुकवत. कशीबशी आली होती.त्याने तिला सर्व हकीकत सांगितली,दोघांनी एकमेकांना लग्नाचं वचन दिलं.आणि एक आठवण म्हणुन त्यांनी या झाडावर बदाम कोरलं आणि ज्यात आपली नावे लिहीली.भरलेल्या डोळ्यांनी त्यांनि विरह स्वीकारला.
इतकी कथा ऐकुन निशिताचा उत्साह वाढला होता,ती म्हणाली,मग पुढे काय झालं?
पुढे मग दिपक शहरी निघुन गेला.तिकडुन तो विणाला वेळोवेळी पत्रे पाठवु लागला,आणि विना देखील पत्रे पाठवायची.एक दोन वर्षांनंतर विणाची पत्रे यायची बंद झाली.दिपकच्या पत्राला उत्तर येत नव्हतं.विणाचं पत्र येऊन तीन महीन्यांच्या वर वेळ झाला होता.दिपकचा जीव कासावीस झाला होता.तो तातडीने गावी निघुन आला.आल्या आल्या तो विणाच्या घरीच गेला पण तिथे गेल्यावर त्याला जबरदस्त आश्चर्याचा धक्का बसला.कारण त्याला कळलं कि विणाचं लग्न झालं आहे आणि तिला दुर कोणत्या तरी गावी दिलं आहे.त्याला हे कळतांच तो स्वतःला सावरु शकत नव्हता.त्याच्या मनात हजार प्रश्नांनी गर्दी केली होती.पण त्या प्रश्नांची उत्तरे द्यायला विणा इथे नव्हती.तो गावातल्या आपल्या पुर्वीच्या घरी गेला.
पुढची कथा रंजना निशिताला ऐकवणार तेवढ्यात वाड्यावरचा नोकर देशमुख साहेबांचा निरोप घेऊन आला,संध्याकाळ झाली आहे ताईसाहेब,काकासाहेबांनी सांज व्हायच्या आत दोघीँना वाड्यावर बोलावलंय..असं सांगुन तो नोकर निघुन गेला.
रंजना म्हणाली,चला ताईसाहेब काकासाहेबांनी बोलावलंय आता जावं लागेल आपल्याला.
अगं पण पुढची कथा?
ती मी उद्या सांगेन तुम्हाला,न्हायतर,काकासाहेब रागावतील.
ठीकेय चल मग.
रात्रीच्या जेवणानंतर तिला झोपच येत नव्हती,तिला कथेच्या पुढच्या भागाची उत्सुकता झोपु देत नव्हती.रात्री उशीरा तिला झोप लागली....
रात्रीच्या उशीरच्या जागरणानंतर निशिता लवकर उठली होती.दिपक आणि विणाच्या प्रेमकथेविषयीची तिची उत्सुकता शिगेला पोहोचली होती.फ्रेश होऊन ती रंजनाची वाट पाहत होती.थोड्या वेळाने रंजना वाड्यावर आली,रंजनाला पाहुन निशिताला आनंद झाला.ती लगेच तिथेच घेउन गेली जिथे काल त्या दोघी गेल्या होत्या.रंजनाला पुढची कथा ऐकवण्यासाठी विनवणी करु लागली.
अहो थांबा ताईसाहेब सांगते सांगते,तर काल मी कुठे होते?हां आठवलं...
विणाच्या लग्नाच्या बातमीनंतर दिपक स्वतःला सावरु शकत नव्हता.तो कासावीस व्हायचा,त्याच्या मनात विणाला भेटण्याची प्रबळ इच्छा व्हायची.आणि त्यामुळे तो तिचा गावोगावी शोध घेऊ लागला.पण ती त्याला सापडत नव्हती.तिच्या आठवणीत तिची जुनीच पत्रे वाचायचा.एक दिवस तिचा त्याला शोध लागला.तो लगबगीने त्या पत्त्यावर गेला.पण समोरचा प्रसंग बघुन त्याच्या पायाखालची जमीन सरकली.त्याच आभाळ फाटलं.त्याच्या समोर विणाचं प्रेत स्मशानात नेत होते.ते बघुन त्याच्या डोळ्यातले अश्रु हृदयातच कैद झाले,आणि तो वेडा झाला.तेव्हापासुन आजपर्यँत तो वेडाच आहे....
विणाची आणि दिपकची ही कहाणी ऐकुन निशिताने भरल्या डोळ्याने रंजनाला प्रश्न विचारला.पण विणाचा मृत्यु कसा झाला?आणि दिपक आता कुठे आहे?
विणाला दिपकच्या प्रेमाचा विरह सहन झाला नाही आणि तिने आत्महत्या केली,हा योगायोग इतकाच कि दिपकने विणाला शेवटच्या दिवशीच पाहीलं.त्याच्या वेडेपणानंतर काकासाहेब(देशमुख)यांनी त्याला गावात आणलं त्यानंतर तो या गावातच फिरत असतो.....
तु मला त्याच्या घरी घेऊन जाऊ शकतेस का?निशिताने विचारले.
हो।चला आपण तिकडेच जाऊ.
त्या दोघी दिपकच्या घरी गेल्या,घराचे दार उघडेच होतं,त्या दोघी आत गेल्या.घरातलं सामान अस्तव्यस्त पडलं होतं.निशिता एकेक गोष्ट व्यवस्थित पडताळत होती.तिला विणाची ती पत्रे मिळाली जी दिपकने जपुन ठेवली होती.एक गोष्ट पाहुन तिला समजलं की दिपक हा तोच वेडा होता,ज्याने माझ्या हातातुन कादंबरी घेतली होती.कारण ती कादंबरी सुद्धा निशिताला तेथेच मिळाली...
नंतर त्या दोघी वाड्यावर गेल्या.
निशिताला तिच्या novel writing साठी एक जबरदस्त विषय मिळाला होता.गावातच राहुन पुढच्या सहा महीन्यात दिपक आणि विणाच्या प्रेमावर इंग्रजीमध्ये कादंबरी लिहीली.वितरकांशी बोलणी झाली.कादंबरी छापली गेली.विणा दिपकच्या प्रेमकहाणीवर वाचकांनी उड्या घेतल्या.पुढच्या चार सहा महीन्यातच ही कहाणी bst selling novels च्या रांगेत जाऊन बसली.विणा आणि दिपकच्या प्रेमकहाणीला जागतिक स्तरावर नेण्याचा निशिताचा हेतु साध्य होत होता.पण अजुन एक गोष्ट बाकी होती ते म्हणजे बुकर पुरस्कारावर या कादंबरीचं नाव कोरणं.आणि शेवटच्या काही कादंबर्यांमधुन याच कादंबरीने हा पुरस्कार पटकावला.संपुर्ण देशात या कादंबरीचा उदोउदो होत होता.पण निशिताच्या डोळ्यात अश्रु होते.कारण त्यावेळी तिला विणाने दिपकला लिहीलेलं शेवटचं पत्र हाती लागलं होतं,ज्यामध्ये विणाने म्हटलं होतं..तुझ्याशिवाय जगण्यासाठी माझ्याकडे आयुश्यच नाहीये.वडीलांच्या हट्टापुढे नाईलाजाने जोडलेलं हे नातं,मला डोईजड होत होतं.मला माहीतीये आपण सोबत जगण्यामरण्याच्या शपथा खाल्ल्या होत्या पण,तुझी साथच नसेल तर अशा जगण्याला अर्थ तो काय?पण एक गोष्ट लक्षात ठेव माझ्या मृत्युनंतरही तु जगायचंस भरपुर जगायचंयस.मी जगेन अथवा मरेन पण मरेपर्यँत आणि मेल्यानंतरही फक्त तुझ्यावरच प्रेम करेन........

मित्रांनो या कथेतुन योग्य तो बोध घ्या.जो दिवस तुम्ही तुमच्या मरणासाठी ठरवला असेल कदाचित तोच दिवस तुमच्या आयुष्यातला सर्वात सुखाचा दिवस देखील असु शकतो पण ते सुख भोगण्यासाठी तुमच्याकडे आयुष्यतर नक्कीच शिल्लक असलं पाहीजे ना?so b positive............

amazing facts about our universe

Universe 'expanding like a rollercoaster'
The universe has expanded at vastly
different speeds through its history in a
pattern similar to the peaks and troughs of
a rollercoaster, scientists claim.
Over the last five billion years a mysterious
force known as dark energy has caused the
Universe to grow ever faster, gaining speed
as it continues to increase in size.
But a new study of an earlier period of
history has revealed that the younger
Universe was constrained by gravity and
expanded at a much slower rate.
About seven billion years ago its growth
pattern shifted as its energy grew and
caused the rapid acceleration which still
continues today, experts wrote in the
Astronomy & Astrophysics journal.
The international team of scientists were
able to measure the rate of expansion as
early as 11 billion years ago – three billion
years after the Big Bang – by measuring
the distribution of gas in distant regions of
the Universe.
Their findings are the first measurements
of the Universe's growth during the first
half of its history, before it began its
"growth spurt".



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Dushkalgrast bhagat bappa, sanga kass jagaych. Rabrab rabuniya raktach
pani karaych...
Aashechya kiranawar matr lacharine kas rahaych....
Kadhi talaw futaych, kadhi dharan aataych
shetamadhali ubhi pikk, karapali jau lagaych....
Potamandhi ann nai, bhikh kas magaych?
Janawarasni chara nai, khatikas kas wikaych....
porabal shikshan sodun, shahrat kama jayach
gharamandhi budha-budhi kiti diwas rahaych... dolanmandhi pani
mahya, rahun rahun yayach
kutumbasani paisa milel mhanun jiwanch ka sampwaych.....???


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Kuch saalo baad..
Uski wife ne wo photo dekha or
Puchha "tumhe ye photo kaha se mila?" Ladke ne puchha"kyu?" Ladki ne
kaha: "Mera photo kho gya tha, Jb me 10 saal ki thi". SACHA PYAR Kbhi

marathi kvita..very funny


Tu Poli Mi Bhaat,
Tu Football Mi Laath Tu Bashi Mi Cup,
Tu Ushi Mi Zhop.
Tu Ball Mi Bat,
Tu Undir Mi Cat…
Mi Mungla Tu Mungi,
Tu Saadi Mi Lungi..
Tu Love Mi Prem ,
Tu Photo Mi Frame..
Tu Doka Mi Kes,
Tu Saban Mi Fhes.
Tu Nisarga Mi Fiza,
Tu Kavita “Mi Maazha”
Tu Ghubad Mi Pankh,
Tu Vinchu Mi Dankh.
Tu Sambaar Mi Dosa
Tu Boxer Mi Thosa
Tu Kanik Mi Poli
Tu Aaushad Mi Goli.
Tu Petrol Mi Car,
Tu Daru Mi Bar.
Tu Dudh Mi Saai,
Tu Kes Mi Dye…..
Tu Chaha Mi Lassi,
Tu Kumkum Mi Jassi…
Tu Toop Mi Loni,
Tu Dravid Mi Dhoni….
Tu Barfi Mi Pedha,
Tu Bavlat Mi Veda…
Tu Computer Mi C.D.,
Tu Cigaratte Mi Bidi..
Tu Dahi Mi Loni,
Tu Kes Mi Pony
Tu Computer Me Mail
Tu Niranjan Me Tel
Tu Tiger Mi Lion
Tu Dadar Me Sion
Tu Takkal Mi Kes..
Tu Canteen Mi Mess
Tu Kes Me Konda,
Tu Dagad Me Dhonda.







MI PREM KEL.............

Aisa bhi kya jeena mera..
ki pal pal tadap ta hu mai..
kisi ki yaad mai kisi ke intezar mai
roz jeeta roz marta hu mai…

love in first sight
Aisa nahi ki aap ki yaad aati nahi,
Khata sirf itni ki hum batate nahi,
DOSTI aap ki anmol hai hamare liye,
Samjte ho aap isliye jatate nahi.
Mohabbat ka matlab intzaar nahi hota,
Har kisi ko dekhna pyar nahi hota,
Yu to milta hai roz mohabbat-e-paigam,
Pyar hai zindgi jo har baar nahi hota !!!
Dekhi jo surat aapki
Ye dil bechara machal gaya
Rakhna hifajat se apni adaa ko
Adaa pe aapki ye dil ghayal ho gaya
Ek pyari si kali thi jo phool ban gayi
Ek nanhi si muskan thi jo hasi ban gayi
Ye choti choti si mulakat ab toh pyar ban gayi
Aur aapka har pal saath toh jaise bahar ban gayi
Hichkiyon se ek baat ka pata chalta hai
Ki koi hume yaad toh karta hai
Baat na kare toh koi gham nahi
Par Koi aaj bhi hum par apne
Kuch Lamhe barbad toh karta hai
Nazrein mili toh laga jaise sapna
Pass dikhi toh laga koi apna
Dil ko aapse bas yehi hai kehna
Ki aapka pyar toh hai dil ka gehna
Tammana-e-ishq to hum bhi rakte hain,
Kisi ke dil me hum bhi dhadakte hain,
Na jane woh kab milenge
jin ke liye hum roz tadapte hain.
Palkon me qaid kuchh sapne hai,
Kuchh begane kuchh apne hai,
Na jane kya KASHISH he in khayalon mai
Romantic Shayaris Collections
Zindagi ke liye jaan zarori hai
Jeene ke liye arman zarori hai
Hamare pass chahe kitna gum hoo
Bus dost ke chehre per muskan jaorori hai
Ab intezar ki adat si ho gayi hai
Khamosi 1 halat si ho gayi hai
Na sikwa na sikayat hai ksis se
Kyoun ki ab is tanhaee se mohabbat se ho gayi hai
Waqt or khusi tere hi gulam honge
Har pal or pehlon tere hi naam honge
Zara moud kar dekhna kahbi tum
Tere har kadam ke sath mere kadmo ke nisan honge
Na Peene ka sook tha na pilane ka sook tha
Hame to shirf najre milane ka sook tha
Per kya kare ham najre usi se mila baitehe
Jinhe najro se pilane ka sook tha
Jwani ko jindgi ka nikhar kehte hai
Patjhar ko jindgi ka mazdhar kehte hai
Azeeb dastoor hai duniya ka yaron
1 dhoka hai jise sab pyar kehte hai
Is do pal ki jindgi mai tanhaiee kyoun hai
Logo ko ham se rusawee kyoun hai
Is duniya mai insan ki kami nahi hai
Fir hamare sath hamari parchaee kyoun hai
Kagaz pe hamne jindgi likh di
Asoun se seech kar har khusi likh di
Dard jab hamra ubhra lafzo per
To logo na kha wah kya gajal likh di
. Duriya hi dilo ko najdeek lati hai
Duriyan hi 1 ddoze ko yaad dilati hai
Door ho ker bhi koi kitna kareeb hai
Duriya hi is baat ka ehsas dilati hai
Dil jeet le woh Zigar rakhte hai
Katal kar de woh nazar rakhte hai
Wada kiya hai kisi se hamesa muskurane ka
Warana hum bhi ankhon mai samunder rakthe hai
woh gair hoke bhi kitne apne ha      

chake ur phone is gud or bad

nYour Mobile is originol or ot

Would like to know your mobile is original or not?!!
Type *#06#
After you enter the code you will see a new code contain 15 digits:
43 4 5 6 6 1 0 6 7 8 9 4 3 5
IF the digit number Seven & Eight is 02 or 20 that mean it was Assembly on Emirates which is very Bad quality Sad
IF the digit number Seven & Eight is 08 or 80 that mean it¢s manufactured in Germany which is not bad
IF the digit number Seven & Eight is 01 or 10 that mean it¢s manufactured in Finland which is Good
IF the digit number Seven & Eight is 00 that mean it¢s manufactured in France which is the best Mobile Quality ...

tips for cell phone

* You may already have a budget in mind as to how much you would like to spend. Mobile Phones range from Rs. 2,500 onwards in India and Pakistan. The size and features affect the price.
* Now come to the talk time, The talk time of the mobile phone is the number of minutes you can talk with a fully charged standard battery. The talk time with a standard battery varies between 100 minutes to 750 minutes. Approximately 700 mAh will be able to give you a talk time of 4 to 6 hours. A longer talk time allows you to go without recharging the batteries for longer.
* There are 3 types of batteries available in the Indian and Pakistan market.
LITHIIUM POLYMER AND LITHIUM IONNICKEL METAL HYDRITE Slimmer larger power capacity. Heavier and less power capacity Does not discharge when phone is switched off Discharges when the battery is not in use Can be recharged without capacity reducing Battery's capacity reduces over time due to frequent recharging. More expensive More economical if your usage is low Phone cost- Rs. 3, 000 to Rs. 50,000Phones cost- Rs. 4, 000 to Rs. 7,000
* This defines the size of the phone. There are two mobile phones categories we have on the web site: Small (Palm Size) and Medium Size.
Easy to carry, keep in a pocket or in a purse
Rs. 3,095 to 40,099
Larger and bulkier than small phones ..........
Rs. 3,895 to Rs. 45, 675
If you are concerned about the size of your mobile phone, and need to carry it in your top pocket, you would prefer a Small Size phone.
A switch that allows you to switch between transmissions that are adopted by different countriesYou cannot use a phone in a country where your GSM is not supported. If you are global traveler and would like to use your handset in different countries, you would need a phone with a dual band.Enhanced Full Rate Speech (EFR) Reduces the amount of background noise that gets transmitted along with your voice when you talk on the phone. If you live in a noise-polluted city, this feature is a must. General Packet Radio Service Allows you to be continuously connected to higher capacity Internet-based services You can use all the Internet applications like web browsing, email, chat, telnet, File Transfer Protocol (FTP) over the mobile network. Inbuilt Answering Machine Allows you to record a personal message, which automatically answers calls that you were unable to receive and allows the caller to leave a verbal message for you. You can retrieve these voice messages at your convenience. Infrared Port Enables wireless connections between the computer and the mobile phone devices You can use IR to send and receive phone book entries (business cards) and reminder notes. Internal Antenna and BatteryAn in-built antenna and battery in the handset.Makes the phone more compact and also gives the handset a very sleek and elegant look Internal Vibrating Alert This feature can be programmed to physically vibrate when a call is received. Useful when you receive calls in places where you can't keep the ringer on. For e.g. in a theatre, or in an important conference / meeting. Multimedia Messaging ServiceAllows you to send and receive rich media messages comprising of text, sounds, images and video to and from MMS capable handsets. MMS will add colourful images, animations and sound clips to your messages.PDA EnabledCan do some functions of a PDA such as organising dates/contacts, memos, etc.Enables you to carry out the functions of a PDA as well.Picture MessagingIt is a graphic that can be used with a short message or used to replace a short message.A creative way of communicating with your friends.Short Message Services With this service you can send and receive text messages to or from other mobile phone users This is very useful when you need to send information to a person who is unable to answer your call or communicate with another mobile phone user. Voice Dial A voice recognition system that allows you to dial a telephone number stored in your phone memory by just saying the person's name.Voice dial is very convenient and useful in places where you cannot see the key pad or while driving. It also assists speedy dialing of telephone numbers

how you unlock ur mobile without ur password


How To Unlock The Password Protected Memory Card For Your Mobile Phone

when one my friend forgot the password of his memory card of his mobile phone and he have some very important data in the memory card which he want to recover, he tried almost everything then he lost hope and then asked the mobile phone company to find the way to recover the data from the memory card.
But you don’t worry if you are having the same problem…as now there is a much simple and easy way out.
Requirement: You need a file explorer like FExplorer which you can download from here.
How to Unlock MMC card:
Method 1:
Insert card into your phone but don’t access it through phone.
Run FExplorer and Open the path C:\system.
You will find a file called mmcstore ,rename the file mmcstore.txt
Copy that file(mmcstore.txt) to your pc and open that file in notepad.
You will find your password in that file.
Method 2:
Applicable to all nokia phones which are s60 2nd or s60 3rd edition series phones.check out here.
If you still have any problem in finding your password for your memory card ,leave a comment here.

how to connet our mobile to our pc...... 3ways

Connect Mobile To Your Personal Computer
Connecting mobiles to PC have always been difficult but that could really easy if you understand the basics of connecting mobile to PC and transfer your ringtones* games* Data between your mobile and PC.
Recognize Connecting Capabilities Of Mobile:
First you have to check what are the connecting abilities of your mobile. I mean by how many different ways your mobile can connect to other devices.
The most common connecting ways are:
1. Bluetooth
2. Infrared
3. Cable Connection
So at least one of them should be there in your mobile.
If You Have BLUETOOTH enable mobile:
Materials Needed: Bluetooth Dongle For PC
Bluetooth Enabled Phone
Mobile's Software ( PC Suite e.g.*)
First we would like to tell you about Bluetooth dongle* it is and electronic USB device which is connected to your PC and then you PC can receive and send all type of Bluetooth signals and that is the key point for this type of connection. First connect your Bluetooth Dongle To your PC and install its driver as if provided. Then switch on your mobile's Bluetooth reception so you can send Bluetooth signals to PC.Then run your installed PC software for that mobile* which you are trying to connect. For NOKIA mobiles PC Suite is provided if you buy mobile and same is the case for other companies so you should have your PC software of your mobile otherwise you can download from internet. Now you are on your on way to send Data from PC to your device.

If You Have INFRARED enable mobile:
Materials Needed: Infrared Dongle For PC
Infrared Enabled Phone
Mobile's Software ( PC Suite e.g.*)
First it would be better if you get to know what is Infrared Dongle. It is an electronic USB device which helps your PC to send and receive infrared signals and this is device which would act as a bridge between your mobile and PC.
Turn on infrared reception in your phone and connect infrared dongle with your PC. Now you have to align you device horizontally with your infrared dongle so now you are connected to your PC.
Open / run you mobile PC software to start communicating with your mobile.
For NOKIA mobiles PC Suite is provided if you buy mobile and same is the case for other companies so you should have your PC software of your mobile otherwise you can download from internet.
Now you are on your on way to send Data from PC to your device

If You Have mobile DATA CABLE:
Materials Needed: Connecting Cable
Mobile's Software ( PC Suite e.g.*)
First it is good if you have knowledge about connection cable. Sometimes it is provided with you mobile phones when you buy them and some time you have to buy them. It acts as a bridge between you mobile and your PC and transfer electrical signals from your mobile to your PC and PC to mobile.
This cable may connect at serial port at back of your PC or this cable may connect at USB port. Do as it is provided. Connect on end of cable to your mobile and other end with your PC.
Open / run you mobile PC software to start communicating with your mobile and start sending ringtones* games* themes e.t.c.
For NOKIA mobiles PC Suite is provided if you buy mobile and same is the case for other companies so you should have your PC software of your mobile otherwise you can download from internet.
Now you are on your on way to send Data from PC to your device


my tears of pain

Teardrops of pain
Trapped by these four walls
And to say they're the only ones who've seen it all
Tears paint them, only for more to accompany them
Night terrors and frightening scenes, are the accent schemes
Love filled nights and petty fights
Of who loves who the most
And through it all I've yet to overdose
Walking hand and hand with you
As my heart is pinned bright to my sleeve
Yes for all to see
And you're constantly tugging at it hopefully not consciously
Sickened by your lack of emotion and devotion
While I ponder over the thoughts of how I caused this commotion
Continuously wanting more
Never satisfied with enough
Deep scares are my excuse,
My excuse from the truth of how reality is my dream
And my dreams are like a little child's game of make believe
Never facing life with a serious view
Until things get tragic or if it involves me and you
I cry and cry
But for what ?!
Like you said the action has no purpose
Except it gives you the reassurance that your life isn't completely worth it
 These Bloodshot eyes
See through lies
Or maybe they have had a few lucky guesses
Conflicted between my heart and mind either way it seems I can't get my point across to you at any point and time!
Talking to all who are able to comprehend
The messages beneath all the anxiety emotion and exaggeration
The ones who can deal with their depression sadness and anger all in moderation
 Which is funny because I'm always considered an illogical illiterate in your book
Talked to like a small child who their parents they've just defied
Only for you to throw false gratification of love and realism in my face
And I can never look you directly in the face as you so called put me in my place
For my self control is being tested
As thoughts of spitting hate and anger at you through my teeth
Flood my thought process wildly
And yet I keep my composure
But constantly over and Over
I'm pleading for a way possible for you to see
To take a glance into my soul
Only there will the unspoken truth unfold
Every desire and all the knowledge for you to acquire
And I'm asking you take the key
Trusting in you wasn't easy for me and yet I've given you chances to peek
Instead you glare at me as if I was meek
… confused by your retorts
As I try to ease to your anger of some sort
Our love is yet strained
Over and over again
I don't know how much we can take
Then again every one has a breaking point
I just wish we could be together happily
No demise or lies
Or outside inference
Again I have to tell myself these can only be wishes
So until then your white sheets will be stained
Stained for all to see
Stains of my teardrops of pain..
painful cries
darkened skies
a sea of tears
coming from all the years
a hidden face
filled with disgrace

fear for her life
she heads for a knife
wonders what to do
she stabs the knife right through

blood runs down
she wishes to be found
she clings to her life
will she win this fight?
will they be to late?

this was always her fate
a painful death
lets have some meth
to celebrate the life
i have to fight
No words I write can ever say,
How much I miss you every day.
As time goes by the loneliness grows,
How I miss you... nobody knows.

I think of you in silence,
I often speak your name.
But all I have are memories,
And a photo in a frame.
No one knows my sorrow,
No one sees me weep.

But the love I have for you,
Is in my heart and mine to keep.
I never stopped loving you,
I don't think I ever will.

Deep inside my heart,
You are with me still.
Heartaches in this world are many,
But mine is worse than any.

My heart still aches as I whisper low,
"I need you... and miss you so."
The things we feel so deeply,
Are often the hardest things to say.
But I just can't keep quiet anymore,
So I'll tell you anyway.

There is a place in my heart,
That no one else can fill.
I love you... and I always will
You're out of my life
it hurt at first
but now I'm alright
I decided to not listen to your lies anymore

it's over it's through
I've closed my door
so many times I've been played as a fool
at first you were a good person b
ut now you're just cruel
you said if I would wait
one day we would be together
but I'm moving on with my life
I can't wait on you forever
hopefully one day soon
you'll find it isn't nice
to find the one you love
being with someone else each night

i must admit
the times we spent together were great
now you've grown into something,
something I can only hate

the other girl doesn't realize
you've been playing her too
but it's ok
you belong together
cause she's just like you
I'm glad I finally gave up on something
that was never there

you can't be with two people
that's just not fair
you should have told me the truth
from the very start
instead of playing your game
and breaking my heart

I hope you regret
what you have done to me
and try to get me back
while begging on your knees
but this time I'll be smart
and leave you behind
because when you say you want me
I know you're lying
you had so many chances but you took too long
I feel better now knowing you're finally gone

You're out of my life
it hurt at first 
but now I'm alright
I decided to not listen to your lies anymore

it's over it's through 
I've closed my door
so many times I've been played as a fool
at first you were a good person b
ut now you're just cruel
you said if I would wait 
one day we would be together
but I'm moving on with my life 
I can't wait on you forever
hopefully one day soon 
you'll find it isn't nice
to find the one you love 
being with someone else each night

i must admit 
the times we spent together were great
now you've grown into something, 
something I can only hate

the other girl doesn't realize 
you've been playing her too
but it's ok 
you belong together 
cause she's just like you
I'm glad I finally gave up on something 
that was never there

you can't be with two people 
that's just not fair
you should have told me the truth 
from the very start
instead of playing your game 
and breaking my heart

I hope you regret 
what you have done to me
and try to get me back 
while begging on your knees
but this time I'll be smart 
and leave you behind 
because when you say you want me 
I know you're lying
you had so many chances but you took too long
I feel better now knowing you're finally gone

Twsiting Love Story of a Couple

loveEk ladka aur ek ladki dono ek sath padhte the ladke ne ladki ko facebook par freind request send ki wo din bhar facebook pe chat kiya karte the phir bad me number exchange hua and messages ka silsila shuru hua jo call tak pahuch gaya. kuchh mahino k bad dono ki dosti pyar me badal gai. Jab ladki ne ladkie ko khud hi propose kar dia to phir ladka bhala neglect kyu karta uske pyar ko.Dono ek doosre se beintaha pyar karne lage aur ek doosre pe mar mitne ko taiyar the. 
But kuchh dino bad ek din ladke ne ladki ko kisi aur ke sath hath me hath dale ghumte huye dekha.ladke ko ek sadma sa laga aur use ye bardast nahi hua,uske sare armaan ek hi jhatke me toot gaye..buri tarah hurt hua wo us din.ladka itna sad aur dipressed ho gaya ki usne suicide karne ki sochh li. Ghar aate hi wo seedha apne ghar ki chat pe chadha aur chat se kood gaya….buttttt  (***kahani me twist***)
Theek usi waqt shaktiman waha se gujar raha tha
kya shaktiman us ladke  bacha payega???
janne ke liye dekhiye Shaktiman Sunday and Monday dopahar 2 pm pe,only on star utsav :D :D:D

valentines story

Let me introduce myself. My name is Valentine. I lived in Rome during the third century. That was long, long ago! At that time, Rome was ruled by an emperor named Claudius. I didn't like Emperor Claudius, and I wasn't the only one! A lot of people shared my feelings.
Claudius wanted to have a big army. He expected men to volunteer to join. Many men just did not want to fight in wars. They did not want to leave their wives and families. As you might have guessed, not many men signed up. This made Claudius furious. So what happened? He had a crazy idea. He thought that if men were not married, they would not mind joining the army. So Claudius decided not to allow any more marriages. Young people thought his new law was cruel. I thought it was preposterous! I certainly wasn't going to support that law!
Did I mention that I was a priest? One of my favorite activities was to marry couples. Even after Emperor Claudius passed his law, I kept on performing marriage ceremonies -- secretly, of course. It was really quite exciting. Imagine a small candlelit room with only the bride and groom and myself. We would whisper the words of the ceremony, listening all the while for the steps of soldiers.
One night, we did hear footsteps. It was scary! Thank goodness the couple I was marrying escaped in time. I was caught. (Not quite as light on my feet as I used to be, I guess.) I was thrown in jail and told that my punishment was death.
I tried to stay cheerful. And do you know what? Wonderful things happened. Many young people came to the jail to visit me. They threw flowers and notes up to my window. They wanted me to know that they, too, believed in love.
One of these young people was the daughter of the prison guard. Her father allowed her to visit me in the cell. Sometimes we would sit and talk for hours. She helped me to keep my spirits up. She agreed that I did the right thing by ignoring the Emperor and going ahead with the secret marriages. On the day I was to die, I left my friend a little note thanking her for her friendship and loyalty. I signed it, "Love from your Valentine."
I believe that note started the custom of exchanging love messages on Valentine's Day. It was written on the day I died, February 14, 269 A.D. Now, every year on this day, people remember. But most importantly, they think about love and friendship. And when they think of Emperor Claudius, they remember how he tried to stand in the way of love, and they laugh -- because they know that love can't be beaten!


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